Conference Program 2020



Spectrum for private LTE networks – things are looking up

Vast amounts of spectrum have been allocated for broadband wireless services in Australia over the past two decades, but the nature of the allocation process in most instances – the auctioning of spectrum licences – has resulted in most of that spectrum ending up in the hands of the major carriers.

Against this background, the spectrum opportunities for private LTE networks – usually smaller regional enterprises – are limited.  But some opportunities do exist, and recently the ACMA has announced their intention to make available an additional 175 MHz of spectrum at 3.4 GHz in remote areas. Find out in this presentation how you can take advantage of this new availability.

Andrew May – Spectrum Engineering


A case study: Voice over Private LTE – separating fact from fiction.

Private LTE is now generally accepted by the mining industry as the default solution for large scale industrial wireless applications.  There is however some debate and confusion regarding the practical implementation of voice functionality within LTE, especially with regard to replacing or augmenting legacy P25/Tetra/UHF/VHF solutions.

This presentation seeks to provide some insight and give practical recent customer deployment examples of voice on LTE.  Discussion will focus on a recent LTE network deployment delivered to Beach Energy, where their new oil & gas field has only an LTE based voice solution, with no legacy UHF/VHF network.  This is believed to be one of the first such deployments in the world.

Simon Lardner – Challenge Networks


Will Fibre Keep you regular or give you indigestion?

Traditionally, penetration of fibre into LMR has been minimal. The impending deployment of PSMB, the increasing popularity of private LTE and ultimately the densification of networks, as 5G technologies are deployed, will mean that the ability to work with fibre technologies will become an important part of our working lives.

This presentation overviews the trends driving the use of fibre and some of the construction and test techniques commonly used in deployment and maintenance.

Roger Kane – Vicom


A case study: ACT emergency service agency high bandwidth mobile radio network. Economic and independent augmentation of PSMB   

The ACT Emergency Services Agency, as part of its commitment to continuous improvement in bushfire management since the devastating January 2003 firestorm, have recently deployed a high bandwidth, air to ground mobile meshed radio network. Primarily this is to accommodate live streaming from emergency incidents such as bushfire fighting through helicopters (or drones/UAVs).

This investment in capability funded by the ACT is of great interest to the firefighting community, as it presents greater operational capability to manage potential and active bush fire threats through advanced infrared imagery, geo-spatial intel and live, high definition video streaming through cloud hosted ICT

Dale Stacey – Sat Pty and Ross Caston –Amber Technology


Wireless mesh networks explained and applied — what can they do for you?

Wireless Mesh is nothing new and has been used in defence, surveillance and media broadcasting for years. However, with more advanced waveforms and the ever-increasing demand for high speed data across large geographical areas, demand is increasing.

This presentation takes a look at how these waveforms can be applied to provide truly robust ‘last mile’ connectivity for the IP networks of the future and how they fit with the future ‘vehicle as the hub’ topology.  Grant will explain the technology around COFDM and its benefits for direct mode IP mesh networks.

Grant Jamieson – Satellite System Engineer, Wireless Innovation


Resources Case Study — MCPTT, Data & Security all in one broadband network is a reality

With an increased focus on maximising benefit from communications networks, resource companies are starting to turn to networks that can address voice and data needs all in one. When the two use cases are combined and with a vendor market that is developing products to suit the industrial enterprise sector, the business case for this type of network is becoming a reality. This new world introduces the possibility for MCPTT, either complementary or as a replacement to existing LMR networks, and Industrial Internet of Things (IIOT), leveraging sensors to understand the supply chain through the use of data, all in a secure communications network.

Craig Copes – Solutions Architect, Aqura Technologies


GIS and mapping for critical communications

In an ever increasingly complex critical communications environment, how do we make sense of big data? A mission-critical ecosystem of unified geospatial data may be the very answer to this question. GIS in critical communications isn’t new. CAD systems and location based services have been around for decades. However the approach is changing. The use of Common Operating Pictures (COPs) as web-based communication, planning and collaboration tools are enabling public safety, utilities and mining personnel [amongst others] to quickly share information and make strategic decisions. This type of approach provides real-time situational awareness and a common view for personnel, organisations and agencies, which eliminates Silos and promotes interoperability.

This presentation will examine the opportunities that exist for the critical communications sector, looking at data types and sources, integration possibilities and offering real-life application and case studies.

Chris Stevens – CartGiS Pty Ltd


Critical Communications Integration – How do we ensure we’re not building communications silos, allowing for best opportunity between voice and data networks?

Divergence in critical communication standards has seen the proliferation of multiple voice and data technologies. As these standards mature, such as those from 3GPP, interoperability will become a core feature. Therefore, how do we ensure that we are ready for tomorrow now? Furthermore, how do we ensure that competing technologies, such as P25, DMR and TETRA can coexist in a critical communications ecosystem with LTE and other voice and data services.

Will integration drive interopertability?  This panel, made up of local and international experts, will discuss these very questions, focusing on todays position and desired future state.

Chris Stevens – CartGiS Pty Ltd